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FOGA is the premier event on the theoretical foundations of evolutionary computation and all kinds of randomised search heuristics, including but not limited to evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimisation, artificial immune systems and particle swarm optimisation. Accepted papers will be published in post-conference proceedings by ACM Press.

The goal of FOGA is to advance the theoretical understanding of evolutionary computation and all kinds of randomised search heuristics, promote theoretical work to the wider community and contribute to making randomised search heuristics more useful in practice. We particularly encourage submissions bridging theory and practice. In addition to strict mathematical investigations, experimental studies contributing towards the theoretical foundations of evolutionary computation methods are also welcome. Topics include but are not limited to runtime analysis; fitness landscapes and problem difficulty; single- and multi-objective optimisation problems; stochastic and dynamic environments; population dynamics; statistical approaches; self-adaptation; black-box complexity; working principles of all kinds of randomised search heuristics.


Authors should submit their papers (15 page maximum) consistent with the alternate ACM SIG style file (see to obtain the class file and see templates) by the submission deadline. Submissions are made through EasyChair . Preliminary versions of the accepted papers will be distributed to participants at FOGA. Authors of papers presented at the FOGA workshop will be asked to contribute final versions of their papers as part of the post-conference proceedings published by ACM.

Important Dates

Submission deadline extended 31 August, 2014
Notification of authors 1 November, 2014
Standard registration deadline 30 November, 2014
FOGA 2015 17–20 January, 2015
Post-proceedings deadline 28 February, 2015